Sunday, 4 September 2011

What’s on your mind?

What is on Anna’s wall, my Dad’s!

Well, do you see the white-wall on the wall?  Yes. It is social networking - Always Live and Alive! 

I firmly believe that social networking skills are heritably wired and if required, one could take a lesson or two from my Dad by just being with him!

A self-made witty person, he has always been ahead of his time, extremely modern in thinking, clear diction, and a high-tech Guru full of ideas, an avid tennis champion of the yesteryears. He is still an avid cricket fan, loves sports, a born singer with a strong voice and flair for writing! Amazing talent that can be traced back to his roots in Kotayyam where he grew up in a musical family!

Amazingly, Manni, my Mom, to match him and his needs in every aspect, is a natural musician with the most melodious voice ever! For her, singing has always been a way of life, being raised in a family that breathes MusicAir! The time after sunset and before dinner, during my holidays in Trivandrum, as a child, used to be filled with lilting Veenai-Voice of my grandmother and uncle’s mridangam and then ours. For Manni, music is synonymous with cooking! It was therefore music, music and more music that filled not only Karamanai streets but also rocked our beds gently in Marredpally! While my mother sang more often, interestingly, these days, my Dad has taken his call and sings to us after perfecting a song!

This prized photo with his grand daughter, taken last year, speaks volumes of his dapper demeanor, grace, and love for people, sport and most importantly writing on the wall! Which he does everyday and lets everybody know what exactly is on his mind. While you too can write on his wall, which needs no invitation, I am eagerly waiting to connect the coming festive season!

Anna’s collection and fondness for branded T’s, Harvard Grandparent, FIFA etc and of hats is unmatched. I got this white one from a Bora boutique in Trimulgherry, in a nondescript lane. He wore this cap on Diwali last year when Joji visited.

Probably he saved the more decorative one for Ramzan!

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